Another thought-provoking and well-written article. Thanks to you, Sharon, and Jamie for sharing your personal experiences. Very interesting concept of canvassing younger people in your life regarding their insights with the P- word to get a pulse on current thoughts. Lastly, I greatly appreciate your father’s powerful mantra and message for self-confidence.
Thank you so much (you and your contributors) for a great article that felt very personal and heartfelt.
Thank you so much for reading and taking the time to comment. I’m so grateful to then too and so glad it resonated 💛🙏🏾
Another thought-provoking and well-written article. Thanks to you, Sharon, and Jamie for sharing your personal experiences. Very interesting concept of canvassing younger people in your life regarding their insights with the P- word to get a pulse on current thoughts. Lastly, I greatly appreciate your father’s powerful mantra and message for self-confidence.
Thank you AJP for your kind feedback and for acknowledging Sharon and Jamie’s input 💛. I was so lucky to have them onboard for this issue 🙏🏾.